Dentima Specjalistyczne Centrum Stomatologii – Kraków – Bronowice
Working with patients has always been and is of course still sheer pleasure and still brings me great satisfaction. In particular when I see how the patient’s attitude to life changes together with the changes that I introduce in their smile, in terms of increased self-confidence and comfort, not only in eating and speaking, but also in terms of ease of being with other people, in smiling freely and conversing easily. I began my adventure with dentistry at the Marta Zinkow and Bogumiła Gmyrek Specialist Dental Office at Balicka St. 18 in Cracow, which then had just a single chair but which quickly transformed into the three-chair Dentima Specialist Dental Center at Balicka St. 12A/B2. Finally, in February 2017 I moved the company to a new building at Wł. Żeleńskiego St. 86, thanks to which I can offer our patients assistance in regaining their smile and their joy in smiling in a larger space with very comfortable conditions and a pleasant atmosphere.
I also invite you to take good care of your appearance and physical condition at the Aspalia Esthetic Medicine Center, which is located on the first floor of our building.
All in one place. All you need to do is call and make an appointment. I invite you cordially.
lek. dent. Marta Zinkow